White Mountain Guide Day 61

Today was really long. I didn’t realize how much elevation gain there would be throughout the day and for some reason assumed it would be at least 1000’ less than what it was. Whenever I hike on the AT I feel sad. I feel sad about friendships that I no longer have with former thru-hikers. I feel sad for all of the thru-hikers that I’m still friends with that have passed through. It’s like that trail holds all of the energy and memories that were formed on it, from the thousands of souls that have passed through, and every time I walk on it I feel their energy and it makes me sad. But, when I’m on that trail I don’t feel like it’s home. I never feel at home on the commonly hiked trails now. Those trails have too much energy. Too many people. It’s on all of the trails where hardly anyone walks that I feel at peace. I feel like I’m home on the lesser known trails.

Daily Miles: 13.97
Daily Vert: 4776’
Overall Mileage: 678.02
Overall Vert: 207,428’
Guide: 28.8% -> 29.5%


Glencliff Trail
Hurricane Trail
Moosilauke Carriage Road
South Peak Spur
Town Line Trail


White Mountain Guide Day 62