White Mountain Guide Day Five
850’ of climbing in .6 miles. And you know what? I could do it! For a year and a half I struggled. I felt weak. So weak. But was it because I was weak? Or was it partially because I thought I should be weak? Was it in my mind? Today felt like I was normal again. Like hiking up a really steep trail wasn’t the hardest thing in the world for me. My body may not be small, or muscular. I may go slow, but I finish what I set out to do. When I hiked during chemotherapy I was forced to slow down because of how sick I was. And while I was forced to slow down, I learned that all that really matters is that you keep going. I would tell myself, you don’t have to go fast, you just have to keep going. That is exactly what I wish everyone who hikes knew. The people who try to power up the trail and then have to stop every few feet to catch their breath, or who burn themselves out after just half the hike by trying to go too fast. SLOW DOWN. Pace yourself. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. You don’t have to go fast, you just have to keep going.
Tuckerman Ravine Trail
Hermit Lake Campsite
Boott Spur Link
Boott Spur Trail
Boott Spur Summit
Davis Path
Lawn Cutoff
Daily Miles: 7.97
Overall Miles: 54.91
Daily Vert: 3618’
Overall Vert: 18,523’
Guide: 2.0% -> 2.4%