White Mountain Guide Day Three

It’s not a sprint, it’s an ultramarathon. That is what I’ve been telling myself about this venture since day one. And each day of hiking is its own entity that deserves my full attention. But it’s hard to remain focused on each day instead of thinking ahead. It’s hard to remain in the moment. But if there is one thing I learned during cancer treatment it’s how to slow down and stay as focused as possible on each day alone. That was how I got through chemotherapy. Today, I worked on slowing down. I focused on taking my time instead of racing to the top of the mountain. I recalled how difficult the first three days were in 2020, when I did the exact same hikes that I just finished, and every day so far I’ve been awestruck that this body is stronger somehow now than it was back then. I’m stronger than before cancer and before cancer I was in the best shape of my life. 


Percy Loop Trail
Percy Peaks Trail
Trio Trail
Pond Brook Falls Trail
South Percy Summit

Daily Miles: 10.94
Overall Miles: 35.09
Daily Vert: 2963’
Overall Vert: 10,446’
Guide: 1.0% -> 1.4%


White Mountain Guide Day Two


White Mountain Guide Day Four